Flat Buildable Lot For Sale in Clearlake, CA Sold

  • $10,000
  • 4,951 sqft

Quaint 4,951 sq. ft. lot in East Clearlake. This cozy lot has city water on street and sewage in the street with electric as well. The lot is located in a quiet rural neighborhood, perfect for a growing family or a long-term investment. Only 5  minutes away from the nearest gas station. Located in a sparsely populated neighborhood on the edge of town while simultaneously being less than 15 minutes from anywhere in the main town. Less than 10 minutes away from beautiful lake sites such as Redbud Park and Clear Lake Campgrounds for all your favorite outdoor activities such as bird watching, frisbee golf, and hiking! Water lovers can enjoy quick trips to the lake for boating, swimming, tanning, and family lake days. Downtown Sacramento is only 1 hour and 45 minutes away and only a 2 hour and 38 minute drive away from the beautiful ocean views of San Francisco! Invest In your future today!

Size: 0.114 Acres

Dimensions: 49.28ft x 102.22ft x 48.71ft x 101.44ft Approx

APN: 041-252-330-000

City: Clearlake

Street: 35th Ave

County: Lake

State: California 

Zoned: RR (Residential Rural)

GPS Coordinates: 38.947475505261274, -122.60432341459148

16456 35th Ave
Clearlake, California 95422
Square Feet:
Lot Size:
For Sale
Property Type:

Call (916) 547-7581 for more details

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